No Exams


Your Acceptance is Guaranteed.

If you are looking for coverage but don’t want to take a medical exam, policies that are “simplified issue” or “guaranteed approval” may be good options for you. Simplified issue policies require only a few medical questions and do not require a medical exam

  • If you are between 45 and 80 years old, you are guaranteed acceptance, regardless of your health history.

  • No medical exams to complete or lengthy health questionnaires to fill out.

Applicants will, however, be asked certain questions on the application for life insurance coverage. For example, the insurance company will want to know information regarding:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Smoking habits / tobacco usage

  • Alcohol usage

  • Occupation and income

  • Lifestyle / dangerous hobbies

Because there is no medical exam requirement, applicants can usually be approved quite quickly. Insureds will also usually have a choice in how they make their premium payment on these insurance policies.